Fun times making art!

3D pants

3D pants

Cactus paintings

Cactus paintings

Chalk blending with water

Chalk blending with water

Cactus paintings

Cactus paintings

.Wax resist

.Wax resist

Cactus paintings

Cactus paintings

Cactus paintings

Cactus paintings

Andy Warhol photo portraits

Andy Warhol photo portraits

Chalk mandalas

Chalk mandalas

Miniature garden landscapes

Miniature garden landscapes

.Pumpkin painting

.Pumpkin painting

Castles in the sky

Castles in the sky

Neon tigers

Neon tigers

.Cactus paintings

.Cactus paintings

Tinfoil pipe-cleaner sculpture

Tinfoil pipe-cleaner sculpture

Cereal box collages

Cereal box collages

Cloth weavings

Cloth weavings

Plaster birds

Plaster birds

Rainbow cookie dough sculpture

Rainbow cookie dough sculpture

Decorative photo frames

Decorative photo frames

.Cactus paintings

.Cactus paintings

Mini Altoid scenes

Mini Altoid scenes

3D paper stars

3D paper stars

Our children have been attending the art workshop for the past two years, and we have been very happy with their experience. Ms. Reuter comes up with unique projects for the kids to do that engage different parts of their brain and creativity. We love seeing what projects the kids will bring home each week and then see how the things they have learned are applied into their daily lives.
— Jodi F., parent of 3rd & 5th grade students